
Writing Miracles for Youth

writing miracles youth

Empowering Young People Through Writing

Our Writing Miracles for Youth series, led by author Danielle Hines, allows students aged 15-24 to learn to harness creativity, gain insight into the publishing industry, receive assistance on writing challenges, and celebrate achieving their goals.

This FREE Four-Week Program is offered both asynchronously AND each Wednesday in February from 7 – 8 pm Eastern via Zoom for anyone wishing to ask questions LIVE.

It will offer:

  • Tips for tapping into a creative mindset.

  • Guidance on writing better essays and assignments.

  • Tricks on how to stay focused and on task.

  • Information on the importance of self-expression in mental health.

  • Insight into the current state of the publishing industry, including the benefits of self-publishing.

  • PLUS Q&A sessions with Danielle.

telling stories

Every participant will receive:


Meet your instructor:

Danielle Hines is a published author of two novels, The Sweetwood Series and Without Fear of Falling. Danielle also edits books, coaches aspiring writers, and infrequently writes at Little Love Stories on Substack. She has a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Guelph and is a member of the Editorial Freelancers Association. She makes her home in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, with her husband, their three kids, and their dog, Jax.



Special thanks to funding provided by ToLSO.