
Little Love Stories Podcast

A Writer with a Master Plan + Sweetwood and B&N

A Writer with a Master Plan + Sweetwood and B&N

I wrote this post in July of 2018—a lifetime ago. And yet, I wanted to share this one because I still find the waters of business to be tricky to navigate. Maybe you can relate. 💙 There is no real method to my madness when it comes to sharing my writing and certainly no master plan. I go on feel. I run on emotion....

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Breaking the Cycle

Breaking the Cycle

I have been tangled up with you for years in a very arms-length, don't-get-too-close-to-me kind of way. Never have I felt worthy. Never have I felt safe. And this has been my own doing. It has been through my own unwillingness to open up, to be myself that I sit here now with this ball of hurt in my heart. You caught...

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The Pub

The Pub

The city bus in downtown Niagara Falls is quiet. Tourists take the casino buses. It's just me, some teenagers and an elderly woman with her shopping basket on wheels. My nerves are in my throat; I...

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After the Panic

After the Panic

"Robena!" I hear the voice, but I keep going. I trudge up Clifton Hill, searching for a full breath and some sanity. "Robena! Stop!" And then I'm drenched. Apparently, someone has seen fit to douse...

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Save Your Story, Share a Smile

Save Your Story, Share a Smile

The other day, I was helping to moderate a talk about writing and publishing. During the Q and A portion, there was an aspiring author who had just completed the first draft of her book, and she was...

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