Take Me By Surprise

Take Me By Surprise

Because some things come upon you in such a way that you lose your footing, you lose yourself for a moment—maybe even a year or two. There is nothing so temporary as being sure of what is true. Life will smack you upside the head each and every time you believe you...
The Quiet Perfection of Now

The Quiet Perfection of Now

Winter smacked me in the face as I bore on against the wind toward my children’s school. Every day it was the same—a mad dash from my driveway to the schoolyard to collect two bright-eyed whirling dervishes with questions and stories and hungry bellies. I would...
Who She Was

Who She Was

Grandma and Grandpa at their home on Pender Island, BC “I was a writer too, you know,” she said over the phone after asking me about my idea for a novel. This didn’t surprise me. My grandmother was thoughtful, intelligent, intuitive, and...
Stand Up with Love

Stand Up with Love

“We know better now. We won’t be going to you anymore. It’s time to go over your head and straight to the source. This way, our questions are actually answered. This way, we won’t be manipulated.” This is the reply I almost typed to a...